It was written back then, but is being seen now...
Regarding the impeachment procedure.

Our view on the impeachment is that the Senate is primarily a group of people who are motivated by retaining their elected office even if it means ignoring the enforcement of the law to do so. The fact that Sen. Byrd can say that Clinton is guilty of the charges brought against him and STILL vote not guilty is inconsistent with his duty to uphold the Constitution. He is not serious about the oath of office he takes when he serves his term as Senator. He is a perjurer defending a perjurer. Yet, he will not be brought to trial for this crime. He will also win election the next time he runs for office. Ignorance is bliss.

However, the Republicans in the House of Representatives took the evidence at hand, disregarded the polls and after assessing the evidence of the special prosecutor concerning Bill Clinton's obstruction of justice and perjury, followed the rule of law in enforcing the Constitutional formula for such occurrences, voted to impeach the President and gave the matter over to the Senate for a trial.

The Senate failed to seriously address these charges, instead they let the polls dictate what they would do. In short, they showed that re-election meant more to them than fighting for the primacy of law. By their vote they mocked the wars that were fought to keep tyrants away from our shores. By their vote they mocked the sacrifices of brave men and women and ridiculed and derided them as they sought to find political solutions to a criminal problem.

Our nation will suffer greatly for their treasonous disregard of the check on the crimes committed by the president. Make no mistake, the standard of law is now a malleable one and the ruling class decides just how and when it will be applied. The message the Senate has sent by their vote is this: The King is above the Law. The Magna Carta is wrong. The Constitution is wrong. The result: We are in for anarchy, and all perjurers must be freed. There is no "Justice for All".

What is true, what is correct is this; the primacy of law in our constitutional republic. Otherwise, if two standards of law exist then no standard of law exists. What results at this point is that our country has the rulers and the ruled. Is our freedom important to us? The president, the Senate and the House are obligated to uphold the constitution not circumvent it, nor mutate it for political advantage. By the way, do you think that a Republican would be allowed to stay in office if he was so accused?

Stay in touch. Keep the faith and e-mail your elected officials at least once a week with a short note on the things that they are voting on. It is your place to do so. God bless you.